Sponsor Vermont History Day
Learn about Vermont History Day sponsorship opportunities.
What is Vermont History Day?
Led by the Vermont Historical Society, Vermont History Day (VHD) is an annual, statewide activity that enhances the teaching and learning of history. Vermont joins 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and international schools in East and South Asia as an affiliate of National History Day (NHD). Established in 1974, NHD promotes history in the classroom by offering students the resources and support to do original research about people, ideas, and events of the past. Students who participate develop a suite of intellectual, personal, and practical skills that will serve them throughout their lives.
Based on the theme selected annually by NHD, which in 2023 is “Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas,” students in grades 6 to 12 use primary and secondary sources to research a topic relating to local, national, or world history. After analyzing and interpreting the information they have gathered, students express their findings in a paper, exhibit, performance, documentary, or website. Entries are judged in two divisions – junior (grades 6-8) and senior (grades 9-12). First- and second-place state winners in each category and division earn the right to represent Vermont at the National History Day contest in College Park, Maryland in June. In recent years, as many as 400 students participated in Vermont History Day.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Financial support is given to and administered by the Vermont Historical Society, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Tax ID #03-0179602
Sponsorship Levels

Vermont History Day Partner ($10,000+)
- Featured recognition at the Vermont History Day awards ceremony
- Invited to speak for two to three minutes and present an award at Vermont History Day
- Invited to place promotional items in students’ registration bags
- Invited to have two tables at Vermont History Day contest at UVM
- Prominent recognition as a partner in Vermont History Day promotional materials, including the opportunity to provide a featured article for the VHS’s History Connections newsletter, and logo on the VHS website
- Recognition on National History Day T-shirt (worn by qualifying Vermont History Day winners) and on National History Day website: Affiliate Contributors

Green Mountain State Level ($5,000-$9,999)
- Featured recognition at the Vermont History Day awards ceremony
- Invited to speak for one to two minutes and present an award at Vermont History Day
- Invited to place promotional items in students’ registration bags
- Invited to have a table at Vermont History Day contest at UVM
- Logo recognition on Vermont History Day promotional materials
- Recognition on National History Day T-shirt (worn by qualifying Vermont History Day winners) and on National History Day website: Affiliate Contributors

Maple Level ($1,000-$4,999)
- Recognition at the Vermont History Day awards ceremony
- Invited to place promotional items in students’ registration bags
- Logo recognition on Vermont History Day promotional materials
- Recognition on National History Day T-shirt (worn by qualifying Vermont History Day winners) and on National History Day website: Affiliate Contributors

Oak Level ($500-$999)
- Name/company recognition at Vermont History Day
- Invited to place promotional items in students’ registration bags
- Named recognition in Vermont History Day promotional materials

Birch Level ($250-$499)
- Name/company recognition at Vermont History Day
- Named recognition on VHS website
- Invited to place promotional items in students’ registration bags
There are two methods of sponsorship giving.
Sponsor online now using the form at the bottom of this webpage: Sponsor Vermont History Day.
Fill out a History Day Sponsership Brouchure and mail with check (made out to Vermont Historical Society) to:
Vermont Historical Society
Attn: Vermont History Day Sponsor
60 Washington St Ste 1
Barre, VT 05641